
  • Name:

    Bertelsmann Foundation
  • Postal address:

    Carl-Bertelsmann Str. 256
    D-33311 Gutersloh
  • URL:
  • Countries served:

  • Purpose:

    The sustainability of our society depends ever more on developments on the international level. The Bertelsmann Foundation recognises its international responsibility: In addition to working in the sector of international relations, the Foundation wants to contribute to social innovation on an international level by conducting projects „in the country and for the country“. The Foundation is presently conducting international programs in Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Poland and Russia. Moreover, the Foundation acknowledges the importance of the business locations Spain and USA by establishing subsidiary foundations, the Fundación Bertelsmann in Barcelona and the Bertelsmann Foundation US in New York.
  • Types of agencies funded:

  • Types of needs funded: