
  • Name:

    Department for International Development Grant
  • Postal address:

    1 Palace Street
    SW1E 5HE London
    United Kingdom
  • Telephone:

    020 7023 0000
  • Facsimile:

    020 7023 0019
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  • Countries served:

  • Purpose:

    --South Africa Book Aid Project (SABAP) To support local initiatives to improve basic and adult education in 3 provinces by improving access to books in primary schools, educational resources centres and community libraries. --African journal use --Guinea National Archives Please quote the following department in your enquiry: 'West And North Africa Department' --African Journals: an evaluative survey of the use made of# indigenous journals in African university libraries --Archival research on the Mozambican conflict To undertake preliminary archival research on the Mozambican conflict to understand the geo-political conflict. --Community Libraries (JFS 1082) To encourage reading among women & girls to foster self expression andthe ability to participate in group discussions, reducing their marginalised status. Training on how to organise a lending system. --Libraries Unprojectised. Provision of director of Libraries plus TCTP awards. DFID Southern Africa --Libraries The supply of two mobile library vans to the Gambia National Library. --Ghana - Libraries Training TCTP --Makerere Books & Information Project To provide assistance to libraries to provide access to books and other information sources --Moi Univ,Fac Inf Sciences sciences at Moi University To provide a source of training and expertise in librarianship, information science, archives, printing, publishing & the booktrade, collectively known as the information sciences. --Nigeria Nat.Univ.Comm.Library Set up training workshops for university libraries linked with the World Bank higher education credit --Uganda - Pub.Lib.St.Alone Bks Proj To provide library materials to three established zonal libraries in support of formal education programmes offered by schools and other training institutions. --Tanzania - Rural Libraries-Teacher Resource Centre (JFS 1069) Increase Literacy levels by improving library facilities for teachers and providing training for teachers as Librarians. --Uganda - Secondary School Libraries Provision of books for secondary school libraries. --South Africa Book Aid Project (SABAP) To improve access to books in primary schools/resource centres/community libraries in three provinces.
  • Types of agencies funded:

  • Types of needs funded: