
  • Name:

    America's Development Foundation
  • Postal address:

    101 North Union St. Suite 200
    22314 Alexandria Virginia
    United States
  • E-mail:
  • URL:
  • Countries served:

    Burkina Faso
    Ivory Coast
  • Purpose:

    America ’s Development Foundation (ADF) is a U.S. nonprofit private voluntary organization (PVO) established in 1980. ADF is dedicated to the international development of democracy. ADF’s overall approach is based on the belief that a strong civil society, comprising a diversity of autonomous economic, political, social and cultural institutions, provides the indispensable foundation of a sustainable democracy. ADF has a successful record helping thousands of civil society organizations (CSOs) strengthen democratic values, institutions and processes in their countries and develop their communities. ADF program areas include advocacy, civic education, civil society building and institutional development, community mobilization and development, electoral processes, human rights, legal assistance and the rule of law, local democratic governance, and refugee return and reintegration. ADF has experience working in over thirty countries in Eastern and Central Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Central America, and Africa.
  • Types of agencies funded:

  • Types of needs funded: